Home IOS Development Lenses and prisms in Swift

Lenses and prisms in Swift

Lenses and prisms in Swift


Understanding optics

Optics is a sample borrowed from Haskell, that lets you zoom down into objects. In different phrases, you possibly can set or get a property of an object in a practical manner. By practical I imply you possibly can set a property with out inflicting mutation, so as a substitute of altering the unique object, a brand new one might be created with the up to date property. Belief me it is not that difficult as it’d sounds. 😅

We will want only a little bit of Swift code to know every part.

struct Tackle {
    let avenue: String
    let metropolis: String

struct Firm {
    let identify: String
    let handle: Tackle

struct Individual {
    let identify: String
    let firm: Firm

As you possibly can see it’s doable to construct up a hierarchy utilizing these structs. An individual can have an organization and the corporate has an handle, for instance:

let oneInfiniteLoop = Tackle(avenue: "One Infinite Loop", metropolis: "Cupertino")
let appleInc = Firm(identify: "Apple Inc.", handle: oneInfiniteLoop)
let steveJobs = Individual(identify: "Steve Jobs", firm: appleInc)

Now lets say that the road identify of the handle adjustments, how will we alter this one subject and propagate the property change for the whole construction? 🤔

struct Tackle {
    var avenue: String
    let metropolis: String

struct Firm {
    let identify: String
    var handle: Tackle

struct Individual {
    let identify: String
    var firm: Firm

var oneInfiniteLoop = Tackle(avenue: "One Infinite Loop", metropolis: "Cupertino")
var appleInc = Firm(identify: "Apple Inc.", handle: oneInfiniteLoop)
var steveJobs = Individual(identify: "Steve Jobs", firm: appleInc)

oneInfiniteLoop.avenue = "Apple Park Method"
appleInc.handle = oneInfiniteLoop
steveJobs.firm = appleInc


With a purpose to replace the road property we needed to do various work, first we needed to change a few of the properties to variables, and we additionally needed to manually replace all of the references, since structs usually are not reference varieties, however worth varieties, therefore copies are getting used throughout.

This appears to be like actually dangerous, we have additionally brought on various mutation and now others may change these variable properties, which we do not needed need. Is there a greater manner? Effectively…

let newSteveJobs = Individual(identify: steveJobs.identify,
                      firm: Firm(identify: appleInc.identify,
                                       handle: Tackle(avenue: "Apple Park Method",
                                                        metropolis: oneInfiniteLoop.metropolis)))

Okay, that is ridiculous, can we truly do one thing higher? 🙄


We will use a lens to zoom on a property and use that lens to assemble advanced varieties. A lens is a price representing maps between a posh kind and one among its property.

Let’s preserve it easy and outline a Lens struct that may rework a complete object to a partial worth utilizing a getter, and set the partial worth on the whole object utilizing a setter, then return a brand new “complete object”. That is how the lens definition appears to be like like in Swift.

struct Lens<Entire, Half> {
    let get: (Entire) -> Half
    let set: (Half, Entire) -> Entire

Now we will create a lens that zooms on the road property of an handle and assemble a brand new handle utilizing an present one.

let oneInfiniteLoop = Tackle(avenue: "One Infinite Loop", metropolis: "Cupertino")
let appleInc = Firm(identify: "Apple Inc.", handle: oneInfiniteLoop)
let steveJobs = Individual(identify: "Steve Jobs", firm: appleInc)

let addressStreetLens = Lens<Tackle, String>(get: { $0.avenue },
                                              set: { Tackle(avenue: $0, metropolis: $1.metropolis) })

let newSteveJobs = Individual(identify: steveJobs.identify,
                          firm: Firm(identify: appleInc.identify,
                                           handle: addressStreetLens.set("Apple Park Method", oneInfiniteLoop)))

Let’s attempt to construct lenses for the opposite properties as effectively.

let oneInfiniteLoop = Tackle(avenue: "One Infinite Loop", metropolis: "Cupertino")
let appleInc = Firm(identify: "Apple Inc.", handle: oneInfiniteLoop)
let steveJobs = Individual(identify: "Steve Jobs", firm: appleInc)

let addressStreetLens = Lens<Tackle, String>(get: { $0.avenue },
                                              set: { Tackle(avenue: $0, metropolis: $1.metropolis) })

let companyAddressLens = Lens<Firm, Tackle>(get: { $0.handle },
                                                set: { Firm(identify: $1.identify, handle: $0) })

let personCompanyLens = Lens<Individual, Firm>(get: { $0.firm },
                                              set: { Individual(identify: $1.identify, firm: $0) })

let newAddress = addressStreetLens.set("Apple Park Method", oneInfiniteLoop)
let newCompany = companyAddressLens.set(newAddress, appleInc)
let newPerson = personCompanyLens.set(newCompany, steveJobs)


This may appears to be like a bit unusual at first sight, however we’re simply scratching the floor right here. It’s doable to compose lenses and create a transition from an object to a different property contained in the hierarchy.

struct Lens<Entire, Half> {
    let get: (Entire) -> Half
    let set: (Half, Entire) -> Entire

extension Lens {
    func transition<NewPart>(_ to: Lens<Half, NewPart>) -> Lens<Entire, NewPart> {
        .init(get: { to.get(get($0)) },
              set: { set(to.set($0, get($1)), $1) })


let personStreetLens = personCompanyLens.transition(companyAddressLens)

let newPerson = personStreetLens.set("Apple Park Method", steveJobs)


So in our case we will give you a transition technique and create a lens between the individual and the road property, it will enable us to straight modify the road utilizing this newly created lens.

Oh, by the best way, we will additionally prolong the unique structs to supply these lenses by default. 👍

extension Tackle {
    struct Lenses {
        static var avenue: Lens<Tackle, String> {
            .init(get: { $0.avenue },
                  set: { Tackle(avenue: $0, metropolis: $1.metropolis) })

extension Firm {

    struct Lenses {
        static var handle: Lens<Firm, Tackle> {
            .init(get: { $0.handle },
                  set: { Firm(identify: $1.identify, handle: $0) })

extension Individual {

    struct Lenses {
        static var firm: Lens<Individual, Firm> {
            .init(get: { $0.firm },
                  set: { Individual(identify: $1.identify, firm: $0) })
        static var companyAddressStreet: Lens<Individual, String> {


let oneInfiniteLoop = Tackle(avenue: "One Infinite Loop", metropolis: "Cupertino")
let appleInc = Firm(identify: "Apple Inc.", handle: oneInfiniteLoop)
let steveJobs = Individual(identify: "Steve Jobs", firm: appleInc)

let newPerson = Individual.Lenses.companyAddressStreet.set("Apple Park Method", steveJobs)


On the decision website we have been ready to make use of one single line to replace the road property of an immutable construction, after all we’re creating a brand new copy of the whole object, however that is good since we needed to keep away from mutations. After all we’ve to create various lenses to make this magic occur below the hood, however generally it’s well worth the effort. ☺️


Now that we all know the way to set properties of a struct hierarchy utilizing a lens, let me present you another knowledge kind that we will use to change enum values. Prisms are similar to lenses, however they work with sum varieties. Lengthy story quick, enums are sum varieties, structs are product varieties, and the principle distinction is what number of distinctive values are you able to symbolize with them.

struct ProductExample {
    let a: Bool 
    let b: Int8 

enum SumExample {
    case a(Bool) 
    case b(Int8) 

One other distinction is {that a} prism getter can return a 0 worth and the setter can “fail”, this implies if it isn’t doable to set the worth of the property it will return the unique knowledge worth as a substitute.

struct Prism<Entire, Half> {
    let tryGet: (Entire) -> Half?
    let inject: (Half) -> Entire

That is how we will implement a prism, we name the getter tryGet, because it returns an optionally available worth, the setter is known as inject as a result of we attempt to inject a brand new partial worth and return the entire if doable. Let me present you an instance so it will make extra sense.

enum State {
    case loading
    case prepared(String)

extension State {

    enum Prisms {
        static var loading: Prism<State, Void> {
            .init(tryGet: {
                guard case .loading = $0 else {
                    return nil
                return ()
            inject: { .loading })
        static var prepared: Prism<State, String> {
            .init(tryGet: {
                guard case let .prepared(message) = $0 else {
                    return nil
                return message
            inject: { .prepared($0) })

we have created a easy State enum, plus we have prolonged it and added a brand new Prism namespace as an enum with two static properties. ExactlyOne static prism for each case that we’ve within the unique State enum. We will use these prisms to test if a given state has the correct worth or assemble a brand new state utilizing the inject technique.

let loadingState = State.loading
let readyState = State.prepared("I am prepared.")

let newLoadingState = State.Prisms.loading.inject(())

let newReadyState = State.Prisms.prepared.inject("Hurray!")

let nilMessage = State.Prisms.prepared.tryGet(loadingState)

let message = State.Prisms.prepared.tryGet(readyState)

The syntax looks like a bit unusual on the first sight, however belief me Prisms could be very helpful. You may as well apply transformations on prisms, however that is a extra superior matter for one more day.

Anyway, this time I would wish to cease right here, since optics are fairly an enormous matter and I merely cannot cowl every part in a single article. Hopefully this little article will allow you to to know lenses and prisms only a bit higher utilizing the Swift programming language. 🙂



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