Home IOS Development Hummingbird routing and requests – The.Swift.Dev.

Hummingbird routing and requests – The.Swift.Dev.

Hummingbird routing and requests – The.Swift.Dev.


Routing on the server facet means the server goes to ship a response primarily based on the URL path that the consumer referred to as when firing up the HTTP request. In fact the server can verify extra parameters and headers to construct the ultimate response, however after we discuss routing usually, we often confer with the trail elements. Hummingbird makes use of a trie-based router, which is a quick and environment friendly means of wanting up routes. It is fairly easy to reply to HTTP request utilizing the built-in router, you may merely add your primary route handlers like this:

router.on("foo", methodology: .HEAD) { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }
router.on("foo", methodology: .GET) { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }
router.on("foo", methodology: .POST) { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }
router.on("foo", methodology: .PUT) { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }
router.on("foo", methodology: .PATCH) { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }
router.on("foo", methodology: .DELETE) { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }

router.head("foo") { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }
router.get("foo") { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }
router.put("foo") { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }
router.put up("foo") { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }
router.patch("foo") { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }
router.delete("foo") { _ -> HTTPResponseStatus in .okay }

In Hummingbird additionally it is potential to register use a perform as a substitute of a block. Handler capabilities might be async and throwing too, so you may mark the blocks with these key phrases or use asynchronous Swift capabilities when registering route handlers. In case you do not present the primary parameter, the trail as a string, the route handler goes to be connected to the bottom group. 👍

It’s also possible to prefix a path part with a colon, this may flip that part right into a dynamic route parameter. The parameter goes to be named after the trail part, by merely dropping the colon prefix. You may entry parameters inside your route handler by way of the req.parameters property. It is usually potential to register a number of elements utilizing a / character.

public extension HBApplication {
    func configure() throws {

        router.get { _ async throws in "Hey, world!" }

        router.get("howdy/:identify") { req throws in
            guard let identify = req.parameters.get("identify") else {
                throw HBHTTPError(
                    message: "Invalid identify parameter."
            return "Hey, (identify)!"

        let group = router.group("todos")
        group.get(use: record)
        group.put up(use: create)
        let idGroup = group.group(":todoId")
        idGroup.head(use: verify)
        idGroup.get(use: fetch)
        idGroup.put(use: replace)
        idGroup.patch(use: patch)
        idGroup.delete(use: delete)

            .get(use: record)
            .put up(use: create)
                .head(use: verify)
                .get(use: fetch)
                .put(use: replace)
                .patch(use: patch)
                .delete(use: delete)


    func record(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> HTTPResponseStatus { .okay }
    func verify(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> HTTPResponseStatus { .okay }
    func fetch(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> HTTPResponseStatus { .okay }
    func create(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> HTTPResponseStatus { .okay }
    func replace(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> HTTPResponseStatus { .okay }
    func patch(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> HTTPResponseStatus { .okay }
    func delete(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> HTTPResponseStatus { .okay }

It’s potential to make use of a wildcard character () when detecting path elements and the recursive model (*) to catch every thing. Additionally you need to use the ${identify} syntax to catch a named request parameter even with a prefix or suffix, however you may’t insert this in the course of a path part. (e.g. “prefix-${identify}.jpg” will not work, however “${identify}.jpg” is simply superb) 💡

import Hummingbird
import HummingbirdFoundation

extension HBApplication {

    func configure(_ args: AppArguments) throws {

        router.get("foo-${identify}", use: catchPrefix)
        router.get("${identify}.jpg", use: catchSuffix)
        router.get("*", use: catchOne)
        router.get("*/*", use: catchTwo)

        router.get("**", use: catchAll)
    func catchOne(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> String {

    func catchTwo(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> String {
    func catchAll(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> String {
        "all: " + req.parameters.getCatchAll().joined(separator: ", ")
    func catchPrefix(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> String {
        "prefix: " + (req.parameters.get("identify") ?? "n/a")
    func catchSuffix(_ req: HBRequest) async throws -> String {
        "suffix: " + (req.parameters.get("identify") ?? "n/a")

It is usually potential to edit the auto-generated response when you specify the .editResponse possibility.

router.get("foo", choices: .editResponse) { req -> String in
    req.response.standing = .okay
        identify: "Content material-Sort", 
        worth: "software/json"
    return #"{"foo": "bar"}"#

Hummingbird help for physique streaming is wonderful, you may stream a HTTP request physique by utilizing the .streamBody possibility. The physique stream has a sequence property, which you need to use to iterate by way of the incoming ByteBuffer chunks when dealing with the request. 🔄

func configure() throws { 
    router.put up("foo", choices: .streamBody) { req async throws -> String in
            let rawLength = req.headers["Content-Length"].first,
            let size = Int(rawLength),
            let stream = req.physique.stream
        else {
            throw HBHTTPError(
                message: "Lacking or invalid physique stream."
        var depend: Int = 0
        for attempt await chunk in stream.sequence {
            depend += chunk.readableBytes
        return String("(size) / (depend)")

let app = HBApplication(
    configuration: .init(
        handle: .hostname(hostname, port: port),
        serverName: "Hummingbird",
        maxUploadSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 

As you may see you may simply entry all of the incoming headers through the req.headers container, it is best to notice that this methodology will return header values in a case-insensitive means. If you wish to stream bigger recordsdata, you additionally need to set a customized maxUploadSize utilizing the configuration object when initializing the HBApplication occasion.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/foo 
    -H "Content material-Size: 3" 
    --data-raw 'foo'

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/foo 
    -H "content-Size: 5242880" 
    -T ~/check

You may check out streaming with a easy cURL script, be happy to experiment with these.

One other factor I might like to point out you is the best way to entry question parameters and different properties utilizing the request object. Right here is an all-in-one instance, which you need to use as a cheatsheet… 😉

router.get("bar") { req async throws -> String in
    struct Foo: Codable {
        var a: String

    print(req.uri.queryParameters.get("q") ?? "n/a")
    print(req.uri.queryParameters.get("key", as: Int.self) ?? 0)

    if let buffer = req.physique.buffer {
        let foo = attempt? JSONDecoder().decode(Foo.self, from: buffer)
        print(foo ?? "n/a")
    return "Hey, world!"

Anyway, there’s one extra tremendous cool characteristic in Hummingbird that I might like to point out you. It’s potential to outline a route handler, this manner you may encapsulate every thing right into a single object. There may be an async model of the route handler protocol, when you do not want async, you may merely drop the key phrase each from the protocol identify & the tactic. I really like this method so much. 😍

struct MyRouteHandler: HBAsyncRouteHandler {

    struct Enter: Decodable {
        let foo: String

    struct Output: HBResponseEncodable {
        let id: String
        let foo: String
    let enter: Enter

    init(from request: HBRequest) throws {
        self.enter = attempt request.decode(as: Enter.self)

    func deal with(request: HBRequest) async throws -> Output {
            id: "id-1",
            foo: enter.foo

The request.decode methodology makes use of the built-in decoder, which it’s a must to explicitly set for the appliance, since we will talk utilizing JSON knowledge, we are able to use the JSON encoder / decoder from Basis to routinely remodel the information.

With a purpose to make use of the customized route handler, you may merely register the thing sort.

import Hummingbird
import HummingbirdFoundation

public extension HBApplication {

    func configure() throws {
        encoder = JSONEncoder()
        decoder = JSONDecoder()
        router.put up("foo", use: MyRouteHandler.self)

You may learn extra about how the encoding and decoding works in Hummingbird, however perhaps that matter deserves its personal weblog put up. When you’ve got questions or recommendations, be happy to contact me. 🙈



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