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What It Is & Implement It

What It Is &  Implement It


What Is Video Schema?

Video schema markup is a sort of code that helps search engines like google higher perceive and show your video content material in search outcomes.

Including video schema markup to your webpages offers extra details about your movies. Such because the title, description, thumbnail, video period, add date, and extra.

Google makes use of this info to generate wealthy outcomes. Which appear to be this:

An example of video result on Google SERP from Shuttlerstock

Within the instance above, Google exhibits the thumbnail, title, description, add date, and particulars concerning the uploader.

It makes the video outcome stand out on the SERPs. And infrequently means extra clicks.

On this publish, we’ll cowl every little thing it’s good to find out about utilizing video schema markup.

Let’s get began.

What Are the Advantages of Utilizing Video Schema?

Utilizing video schema does not instantly increase your web optimization rankings. As a result of it isn’t a rating issue.

But it surely has some oblique advantages.

Including video schema markup makes your video eligible to seem in an immersive, wealthy snippet format.

This wealthy snippet format sometimes incorporates a thumbnail, the video period, and different associated info. Making it extra eye-catching than customary search outcomes.

And customers are extra inclined to click on on these wealthy snippets. Which may enhance your total click-through price (CTR).

For instance, have a look at this video that seems in a wealthy snippet format:

Indian Premiere League's "Highlights - Men & Women | IPLT20" rich snippet result on Google

And examine it with this plain blue hyperlink outcome:

JioCinema's "Tata Ipl 2023 Highlights" plain Google result

Which one would you slightly click on on?

Most likely the primary one.

One other web optimization advantage of utilizing video schema is that it makes your video content material extra comprehensible to Google.

This will increase the percentages that Google will rank it for appropriate search queries.

Examples of Schema Markup for Movies

Schema markup for movies is available in a number of totally different varieties.

However all of them use VideoObject schema as their base.

VideoObject schema is used to mark up your video and outline its properties. And it may be formatted in JSON-LD or Microdata. JSON-LD is added inside a <script> ingredient that may be added wherever on the webpage. Microdata makes use of particular HTML tags to embed structured information instantly within the code. 

Google helps each. However prefers JSON-LD, in order that’s what we’ll give attention to.

Listed here are some examples displaying how the looks of your video in search outcomes modifications based mostly on the properties you’ve got utilized in your VideoObject schema.

Customary Video

Here is an instance of a video outcome that makes use of customary VideoObject schema:

Hotstar's video rich snippet that uses standard VideoObject schema on Google SERP

And here is the markup code that is powering this snippet:

<script kind = "utility/ld+json" >
"@context": "http://schema.org",
"@kind": "VideoObject",
"identify": "Motion Recap: Pakistan vs India",
"description": "Watch the greatest moments from the Asia Cup 2023 match between Pakistan and India",
"thumbnailUrl": ["https://img1.hotstarext.com/image/upload/f_auto,t_hcdl/sources/r1/cms/prod/9889/1589889-h-655968c7423d"],
"uploadDate": "2023-09-10T15:13:40.000Z",
"period": "PT0H9M51S",
"embedUrl": "https://www.hotstar.com/in/sports activities/cricket/asia-cup-2023/708507/match-clips/action-recap-pakistan-vs-india/1540024271",
"regionsAllowed": [{
"@type": "Place",
"name": "IN"
"publication": {
"@kind": "BroadcastEvent",
"isLiveBroadcast": false,
"startDate": "2023-09-10T15:13:40.000Z"

This helps Google show the video in a wealthy snippet, making it stand out from different outcomes.

Reside-Streamed Video

You may mark up livestream movies with BroadcastEvent properties (which specify when the reside occasion is occurring.) It exhibits a LIVE badge on the video snippet.

Right here’s what a snippet that makes use of BroadcastEvent properties seems to be like:

Hotstar's video rich snippet that uses BroadcastEvent properties on Google SERP

And here is what the code would appear to be:

<script kind = "utility/ld+json">
"@context": "http://schema.org",
"@kind": "VideoObject",
"identify": "Tremendous 4s: PAK vs IND",
"description": "Watch reside stream of Asia Cup 2023 Tremendous 4s match between Pakistan and India",
"thumbnailUrl": ["https://img1.hotstarext.com/image/upload/f_auto,t_hcdl/sources/r1/cms/prod/8563/1588563-h-364f2ca5f332"],
"uploadDate": "2023-09-11T07:40:10.000Z",
"period": "PT0H0M0S",
"embedUrl": "https://www.hotstar.com/in/sports activities/cricket/super-4s-pakistan-vs-india/1540025325",
"regionsAllowed": [{
"@type": "Place",
"name": "IN"
"publication": {
"@kind": "BroadcastEvent",
"isLiveBroadcast": true,
"startDate": "2023-09-11T07:40:10.000Z"

You should use this markup for reside occasions like new packages, award exhibits, and athletic competitions.

Google suggests calling its Indexing API to request crawling when the reside video begins and ends. It ensures that the LIVE badge seems promptly on the video snippet.

Video Clips

You can too add Clip properties to point essential moments in your video. And Google makes use of them to show timestamps and labels.

Here is what a video outcome that makes use of Clip properties seems to be like in search outcomes:

YouTube's video result that uses Clip properties on Google SERP

And here is the pattern code:

<script kind = "utility/ld+json" >
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@kind": "VideoObject",
"description": "Meditation is a follow that can profit your well being and wellness in so many methods.",
"period": "PT250S",
"interactionCount": "2054538",
"identify": "How to Meditate 🙏🏼",
"thumbnailUrl": ["https://i.ytimg.com/vi/oq6j9uWrcfg/maxresdefault.jpg"],
"uploadDate": "2016-09-21",
"embedUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/embed/oq6j9uWrcfg",
"style": "Howto & Type",
"writer": "Lavendaire"
 "hasPart": [
 "@type": "Clip",
 "name": "Purpose of Meditation",
 "startOffset": "PT0M19S",
 "endOffset": "PT0M26S",
 "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq6j9uWrcfg&t=19"
 "@type": "Clip",
 "name": "Benefits of Meditation",
 "startOffset": "PT0M26S",
 "endOffset": "PT2M08S",
 "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq6j9uWrcfg&t=26"

This helps the users quickly jump to a specific highlight of the video directly from Google.

Properties are video attributes that you define in your markup code—e.g., name, thumbnail image source, etc.

The VideoObject schema markup supports lots of different properties.

But you don’t need to use all of them. Google says the following three properties are required for a video to be eligible for a rich snippet:

  • name: The title or name of the video
  • thumbnailUrl: The source of the video image thumbnail file
  • uploadDate: The date when the video was uploaded


Google can’t extract information from the schema if any of the above information is missing.

Based on the type of video, you may also be required to use additional properties. The table below summarizes all the video schema properties. (The ones marked with * are required properties.)

Standard Video Schema Properties




Name or title of the video


URL of the video thumbnail image


Publish date of the video


URL of the actual video file


Video description


Video duration in ISO 8601 format


URL of the video player where the video is embedded


Expiration date of the video


Used to nest the Clip properties


Number of total views the video has


Places where the video is allowed

Broadcast Event (Live Badge)


Used to nest BroadcastEvent properties when the video is live


Date/time when the live stream ends


Boolean value that defines if the video is live or has ended


Date/time when the live stream starts



Name of the clip


Start time for the clip


End time for the clip


URL of the video that points to the starting of the clip

Learn more from Google’s documentation on schema markup for videos.

How to Implement Video Schema

It’s easy to implement video schema markup.

There are multiple ways to do it. But the most basic way is to write the code manually and add it to the webpage.

Let’s walk through how to do this.

1. Create the Video Schema Markup Code

First, create your video schema markup code.

For this example, we’ll create schema markup in JSON-LD format. 

To get started, copy and paste the following code in Notepad or another text editor:

<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "https://schema.org/",
"@type": "VideoObject",
"name": "Name of the Video",
"thumbnailUrl": "https://example.com/thumbnail.jpg",
"uploadDate": "2023-07-28"

Then, tweak the code and change the video name, thumbnail image URL, and upload date.

And copy the modified code.

2. Validate Your Schema Markup Code

Go to Google’s Rich Results Test.

Then switch to Codemode on the main screen. And paste the code you copied in the previous step.

Google’s Rich Results Test page

After that, click the Test Codebutton to validate the schema markup code.

In a moment, the test results will be displayed on the screen.

Test results section in Google’s Rich Results Test

Once the schema markup is successfully validated, it’s ready for implementation.

3. Add the Video Schema Markup Code to the Webpage

Now, you need to add your schema markup code to your webpage.

First, open your content management system (CMS) and find the webpage you want to add schema to.

The exact steps may vary depending on the CMS you’re using, but here’s how you can do this in WordPress.

From your WordPress admin dashboard, go to “Posts.”

Locate the post you want to add schema to.

Then click “Edit.” 

The WordPress block editor will open up.

In the editor, click the “+” sign (anywhere in the page) and create a new “Custom HTML” block.

"Custom HTML" selected from the WordPress block editor

Now, paste the code in the HTML box as shown below. And click “Update.”

Code pasted in the HTML box

4. Perform a Rich Results Test

Once you’ve implemented your schema markup, you need to test your implementation. 

You can test each individual page with the Rich Results Test. But you can speed things up by using Site Audit.

It can scan your website for multiple schema types, including video schema. And highlight any issues.

To get started, open the tool and create a new project.

"Create project" button highlighted under Site Audit tool

Enter the domain or subdomain and project name. And click “Create project.”

"Create project" pop up window in Site Audit tool

Then, follow the configuration instructions to set up the project.

In the last configuration step, you can set a schedule for recurring audits.

Then, click “Start Site Audit.”


When the audit is complete, head to the “Issues” tab. And enter “structured data” into the search bar.

"structured data" entered into the search bar under the "Issues" tab

You’ll then be able to see any problems with your structured data. And advice for fixing them.

Structured data issues identified in Site Audit

Best Practices for Video Schema Markup

Using schema for videos can be an effective part of your organic marketing strategy if implemented correctly. 

Here are some best practices for successful video schema implementation:

  • Include keywords naturally in video schema properties like the name and description 
  • Ensure all of Google’s required properties are present 
  • Update the schema markup code whenever there are changes to the video
  • Validate video schema markup code every time before implementing
  • Audit your site regularly to find and fix any new schema issues
  • Ensure the video thumbnail image link is accessible to Google
  • Keep track of the how your video rich snippets perform organically

Measuring the Impact of Video Schema on SEO

Implementing schema markup for videos can undoubtedly improve their organic reach. But you’ll need to measure their performance to determine what impact it’s having.

You can do this using Google Search Console.

Go to the “Performance” section and click “Search results.” 

"Performance on Search results" graph in Google Search Console

Scroll down to the table and choose “SEARCH APPEARANCE.”

It displays the number of clicks and impressions your site gets on Google for different results.

Here, the “Videos” row shows metrics for video results. It represents the overall performance of video results for the entire site.

"Videos" row highlighted under “SEARCH APPEARANCE” table

Click the “Videos” row to filter the performance report for video results. You can use this filtered view to measure video schema performance across the pages and search queries.

"Performance on Search results" report in GSC with video results filtered

Select a date range filter to measure the performance of video schema over a certain period.

This way, you can measure video schema performance in Google Search Console using the search appearances.

If you’re looking for a more straightforward method for tracking the impact of implementing video schema, try Position Tracking.

Here’s how to set it up:

Go to the Position Tracking tool and click “Create project.”

"Create project" button highlighted under Position Tracking tool

Enter your website domain and click “Create Project.”

"Create project" pop up window in Position Tracking tool

In the “Targeting,” select “Google” as the search engine. Enter the target device, location, and language details and click “Continue To Keywords.”

"Targeting" window in Position Tracking settings

Enter all the keywords you want to track and click “Start Tracking.”

"dog food," "pet treats," and "flea treatment for cats" entered under "Keywords" window in Position Tracking settings

Once set, the tool will start gathering organic position data for the targeted keywords. Now, switch to the “Overview” tab, click “SERP Features,” and select “Video” in the drop-down.

It will filter all the keywords with video features on SERPs.

"Video" selected from the "SERP Features" drop-down menu in Position Tracking

Now, click “SERP Features” again and set it to “your-domain.com ranks.” 

"chewy.com ranks" selected under "SERP Features" menu

It will display all the keywords your site is ranking with video results.

"Rankings Overview" report in Position Tracking tool

That’s how easy it is to track video schema results using the Position Tracking tool.



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