Home IOS Development URLSession Returns a response with http standing code 200 however an incomplete response physique [closed]

URLSession Returns a response with http standing code 200 however an incomplete response physique [closed]

URLSession Returns a response with http standing code 200 however an incomplete response physique [closed]


Once I use URLSession in a Swift iOS app to fetch knowledge from my server I get a 200 response, however the response physique is incomplete (it seems to be truncated, resulting in an invalid json). Once I make the identical request on Postman it really works as anticipated, returning the complete response physique, so the problem appears to be remoted to iOS.

I’m not certain what steps to take subsequent to debug the problem. Any assist or ideas can be appreciated.

class NetworkManager{
    static let shared = NetworkManager(baseUrl: "https://my-url.com");
    let baseUrl: URL
    let session: URLSession
    var token: String?
    personal init(baseUrl: String) {
        // TODO: Throw properly outlined error
        self.baseUrl = URL(string: baseUrl)!
        let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
        self.session = URLSession(configuration: configuration)

class Fetcher<T, G>: ObservableObject the place T: Decodable, G: Codable {
    @Revealed var knowledge: T? = nil
    @Revealed var isLoading: Bool = false
    public var path: [String] { return [] }
    func fetchData(physique: G) async
    throws {
        Job { @MainActor in
            isLoading = true
        var url = NetworkManager.shared.baseUrl;
        for p in path {
            url = url.appending(path: p)
        var request = URLRequest(url: url)
        request.httpMethod = "POST"
        request.setValue("utility/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content material-Kind")
        request.httpBody = strive? JSONEncoder().encode(physique)
//        TODO: This must be dealt with with auth challenges
        if let token = NetworkManager.shared.token {
            request.setValue(token, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization");
        // Set timezone header
        request.setValue(TimeZone.present.identifier, forHTTPHeaderField: "TIMEZONE");
        let (respData, response) = strive await NetworkManager.shared.session.knowledge(for: request)
        if let token = (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.worth(forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") {
            NetworkManager.shared.token = token
        guard (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode == 200 else {
            Job { @MainActor in
                isLoading = false
            throw FetchError.badRequest
        let temp = strive JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: respData)
        Job { @MainActor in
            knowledge = temp
            isLoading = false



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