Home Nanotechnology Nanoscale Horizons Rising Investigator Collection: Dr Luciano Colazzo, Dr Christoph Wolf and Dr Yujeong Bae, IBS Heart for Quantum Nanoscience, South Korea

Nanoscale Horizons Rising Investigator Collection: Dr Luciano Colazzo, Dr Christoph Wolf and Dr Yujeong Bae, IBS Heart for Quantum Nanoscience, South Korea

Nanoscale Horizons Rising Investigator Collection: Dr Luciano Colazzo, Dr Christoph Wolf and Dr Yujeong Bae, IBS Heart for Quantum Nanoscience, South Korea


Nanoscale Horiz., 2023, 8,1453-1455
DOI: 10.1039/D3NH90042H, Editorial
Our Rising Investigator Collection highlights distinctive work by early-career nano researchers. This editorial options an interview with our newest Rising Investigators, Dr Luciano Colazzo, Dr Christoph Wolf and Dr Yujeong Bae from the IBS Heart for Quantum Nanoscience, South Korea.
The content material of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry



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