Home IOS Development ios – How can I group the SwiftData @Question outcome by date Sections to show in a SwiftUI Listing

ios – How can I group the SwiftData @Question outcome by date Sections to show in a SwiftUI Listing

ios – How can I group the SwiftData @Question outcome by date Sections to show in a SwiftUI Listing


I need to show a SwiftData Mannequin in my Listing and have it grouped by month. So every part will checklist the gadgets with their date falling in that month. An instance could be like beneath:

remaining class Merchandise {
    var identify: String?
    var date: Date?
    init(identify: String? = nil, date: Date? = nil) {
        self.identify = identify
        self.date = date

struct ContentView: View {
    @Question var gadgets: [Item]

    var physique: some View {
        let groupedDuties = Dictionary(grouping: gadgets) { (component) -> String in
            return component.date!.dateString()
        Listing {
            ForEach(groupedDuties.sorted(by: { $0.key > $1.key }), id: .key) { group in
                Part(header: Textual content(group)) {
                    ForEach(group.worth, id: .id) { merchandise in
                        Textual content(merchandise.identify ?? "")

This works nicely for a comparatively small variety of gadgets. However with a number of thousand gadgets the checklist slows down considerably when initially loading and turns into unusable. Is there one other strategy to kind the info into teams with out the efficiency hit?



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