Home IOS Development ios – Swift URL Encoding Not working : i handed with the layer1 and layer 2 parameters. this params not working accurately

ios – Swift URL Encoding Not working : i handed with the layer1 and layer 2 parameters. this params not working accurately

ios – Swift URL Encoding Not working : i handed with the layer1 and layer 2 parameters. this params not working accurately


var newURL = "https://media.me.com/i/helabojun/MY_Cover_LAKMan_MB_kanjapani_v.43-44?layer1=[text=INCOMING:&fontSize=76&textColor=#ffffff&textAlign=center&anchor=MC&left=50%&top=42%]&layer2=[text=Winter%20days&fontSize=164&textColor=#ffffff&textAlign=center&anchor=MC&left=50%&top=50%]&"
var encodedString = newURL.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)
let url = URL(string: encodedString!)

its not passing parameters with the url

Can anyone give me a assist for this



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